Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A winter work day at the ZP

Brianna working front desk.

Tyler sleeping...I mean working on recreation.

Rachel is our chef and also helps me in housekeeping. Rachel is modeling her latest housekeeping creation.

Driving the van around. I am happy because it is running, not stuck in the mud and not leaking oil today.

My office!! It may look like a mess but it is a beautiful organization of chaos.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The kid who climbed Everest
This quote was in my book "The kid who climbed Everest" I loved it and thought I would share.
"It is not the critic who counts, or the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or when the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly-so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat...for those who have had to fight for it, life has truly a flavor the protected shall never know."
"It is not the critic who counts, or the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or when the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly-so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat...for those who have had to fight for it, life has truly a flavor the protected shall never know."
Road trip to SLC

My friend Brianna and I took a small road trip to Salt Lake City for the weekend. We left Thursday and because of bad roads and a lot of snow we didn't make it back to the resort until Monday night. I stayed with Brianna's family in Bountiful. They were such a fun and welcoming family. Most of our time was spent with them watching movies, guitar hero competitions and DDR. We also were able to meet for lunch with Brianna's boyfriend Tim, Josh and Candance who all worked with us this fall at the resort. I did some shopping at Gateway and bought a few new books to read while isolated from civilization at the resort. I bought an astronomy book, The Red Tent and a survival book about a 23 year old who climber mount Everest. I am excited to read all three.
It turned out to be a disappointing trip for me. I had in my mind a weekend of shopping, dating and spending time with my friends and because of the weather we were stuck indoors and my date was cancelled. I still enjoyed the time away from the resort and I am glad that we went. It has made me really excited about being able to come home to spend Christmas with my family. Funny how unexpected and sometimes disappointing moments make you so grateful for what you have.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Road trip to St. George
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Winter Wonderland at Zion Ponderosa
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful that I have a family that I love and a beautiful new house to welcome me home.

I am very thankful that I was able to make it to Jerome for Thanksgiving this year. It is one of my favorite days of the year!! I loved the drive, talking to my sister and singing silly songs with Ella trying to make her laugh.

I am thankful for the wisdom of my grandparents and the knowledge that I am obtaining on a daily basis.

I am thankful for after Thanksgiving shopping and a stop at the Cheesecake Factory!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Adventures at Weeping Rock
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Self portraits but still pictures
Friday, November 09, 2007
My redneck night
Late last night Tyler and I took the ATV's out. Why?? To go paintballing for deer of course. We laughed the entire time we were out on the ATV's about how redneck we were. And don't worry we didn't actually hit anything.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
A day in the life at Zion Ponderosa
A day in the life of Zion Ponderosa
I wake up at seven am and spend the next few minutes trying to convince myself to get out of my warm bed and start my day in a freezing room.
I shower in the pool house showers (which even I will admit the idea of it is kind of gross, but you get used to it).
I hike downhill to breakfast and visit with everyone before my work day starts at nine.
I hike across the resort to the laundry room where we fold clothes, get organized for the day and of course I pick out the music I want to listen to.
From nine until noon we clean and clean and clean. We sing along to the radio, dance and tell stories. Anything to make cleaning more enjoyable.
At noon it's lunch! I usually eat a turkey sandwich, an apple and a cookie.
Back to making more beds, vacuuming and dusting until five thirty. UGH. I am exhausted but getting into great shape and down two sizes! All the hiking and cleaning is worth it.
After work I check my email, blogs and daily news and then head to dinner at six. Dinner lasts for an hour or two because we get along so well and love to talk.
Hot tub!!
After relaxing it is time to play! This consists of Halo 3, French lessons online, chess, movies and the occasional trip into St George.
My night ends around one or two in the morning.
So what does all this mean?
Something as simple as moving to a resort for the winter has reminded me that life presents us with hundreds of interpersonal challenges that allow us to face our fears, to trust, to ask for support, to go beyond what is comfortable and never give up. I ventured out to find what my limitations were. I am learning that life is not about the things you collect, but the knowledge and experiences you take with you. That the price we pay for the joys of living are often accompanied by uncertainty. But without risk you can never truly experience life.
I wake up at seven am and spend the next few minutes trying to convince myself to get out of my warm bed and start my day in a freezing room.
I shower in the pool house showers (which even I will admit the idea of it is kind of gross, but you get used to it).
I hike downhill to breakfast and visit with everyone before my work day starts at nine.
I hike across the resort to the laundry room where we fold clothes, get organized for the day and of course I pick out the music I want to listen to.
From nine until noon we clean and clean and clean. We sing along to the radio, dance and tell stories. Anything to make cleaning more enjoyable.
At noon it's lunch! I usually eat a turkey sandwich, an apple and a cookie.
Back to making more beds, vacuuming and dusting until five thirty. UGH. I am exhausted but getting into great shape and down two sizes! All the hiking and cleaning is worth it.
After work I check my email, blogs and daily news and then head to dinner at six. Dinner lasts for an hour or two because we get along so well and love to talk.
Hot tub!!
After relaxing it is time to play! This consists of Halo 3, French lessons online, chess, movies and the occasional trip into St George.
My night ends around one or two in the morning.
So what does all this mean?
Something as simple as moving to a resort for the winter has reminded me that life presents us with hundreds of interpersonal challenges that allow us to face our fears, to trust, to ask for support, to go beyond what is comfortable and never give up. I ventured out to find what my limitations were. I am learning that life is not about the things you collect, but the knowledge and experiences you take with you. That the price we pay for the joys of living are often accompanied by uncertainty. But without risk you can never truly experience life.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Angels Landing
I know you are all dying for pictures but I lost my USB cord so here is another boring post without pictures until I find it.
This weekend I decided to hike Angels Landing which is by far one of the most dangerous hikes in the park. It was a beautiful day, perfect for hiking. I set out alone with the rule that any hesitation I would turn around. (And yes I did say a pray before I went.) I hiked for about two hours and then almost instantly, without the usual "you can keep going, just a little further speech" I turned around. I am still not sure why I turned around, but I haven't questioned that decision yet. The hike was incredibly hard. Reading the signs along the way that said one misstep and I would die did not help. Still I was proud of myself for at least taking the risk and trying. For going beyond what was comfortable and trusting myself to know when to come down.
This weekend I decided to hike Angels Landing which is by far one of the most dangerous hikes in the park. It was a beautiful day, perfect for hiking. I set out alone with the rule that any hesitation I would turn around. (And yes I did say a pray before I went.) I hiked for about two hours and then almost instantly, without the usual "you can keep going, just a little further speech" I turned around. I am still not sure why I turned around, but I haven't questioned that decision yet. The hike was incredibly hard. Reading the signs along the way that said one misstep and I would die did not help. Still I was proud of myself for at least taking the risk and trying. For going beyond what was comfortable and trusting myself to know when to come down.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A thrilling night at the movies
Ethan, Tyler and I decided to drive into St George last night and see a movie. They usually let us take a resort van when there is a group of us going into town. So while I went to get some money and a jacket the guys came to pick me up. I heard a screech and then crash. I ran outside to see the van crashed into the side of the building. The brakes had gone out!
We all stood there for a minute taking in the damage and realizing that ten minutes later we would have been driving in a van with no brakes down a canyon. We all knew that we were being watched out for and I knew that the prayers being said on my behalf were being heard.
We still went to see our movie in St George but I drove, very slowly and safely.
We all stood there for a minute taking in the damage and realizing that ten minutes later we would have been driving in a van with no brakes down a canyon. We all knew that we were being watched out for and I knew that the prayers being said on my behalf were being heard.
We still went to see our movie in St George but I drove, very slowly and safely.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
While I am living in a secluded location I have decided to turn my desire to learn another language into a reality and I am learning French. I ordered a program online and the nights when I have extra time I sign in and study. Although I am learning the vocabulary rather quickly my pronunciation is terrible. Bama (who is studying Spanish while I study French) constantly laughs at me while I pronouce the same words over and over, trying to figure out how to make it have the correct French accent.
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Walmart and Mountain Men
Last night Bama, Ethan, Tim and I decided to drive into town or St. George for a fun filled night at the closest Walmart. Yes, seriously. Walmart. Because St. George is about an hour and a half away from Ponderosa it sounded like a great idea to get away from the resort and back into the "real world" for a couple of hours. (Entertainment is obviously limited here at night) We picked up some movies, treats and office supplies.
Before moving to Utah I wondered if I would still get ready every morning, wear makeup and care about putting together a stylish outfit for my day. While at Walmart I realized I was wearing jeans covered in red rock, the t-shirt I had cleaned houses all day in and my uggs. I was horrified!! I realized at that moment that I looked like I had been camping for a week.
As I started to look around all I could see were cute college aged girls everywhere that looked put together and stylish. Then I looked at Bama, Ethan and Tim and realized that we all looked like we had been camping for a week. As we left and drove back to Zion I felt so lucky to be heading back to an awesome job with three amazingly fun guys. Feeling that I looked like a mountain man didnt seem to bother me so much after that.
Before moving to Utah I wondered if I would still get ready every morning, wear makeup and care about putting together a stylish outfit for my day. While at Walmart I realized I was wearing jeans covered in red rock, the t-shirt I had cleaned houses all day in and my uggs. I was horrified!! I realized at that moment that I looked like I had been camping for a week.
As I started to look around all I could see were cute college aged girls everywhere that looked put together and stylish. Then I looked at Bama, Ethan and Tim and realized that we all looked like we had been camping for a week. As we left and drove back to Zion I felt so lucky to be heading back to an awesome job with three amazingly fun guys. Feeling that I looked like a mountain man didnt seem to bother me so much after that.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Probably not a story I should tell my Mom
The past few days we have been talking about hiking in some near by caves after work. Last night was finally the day we went. There were seven of us. Bama, Brandon, Ethan, Tyler, Seth, Louise and Seth's dog Dixie. We left around eight at night and drove out to the caves. We explored, told stories and got really dirty and had the best time.
Right as we were getting ready to leave Seth called for his dog and she didn't come. He went back into the caves and started looking around. Right at that moment I heard a howl and nervously asked if that was a coyote. Bama said that it sounded more like wolves. All of a sudden we heard six or seven wolves attacking something nearby. You could hear them howling, fighting, whimpering and then nothing. Silence. We knew that if that was Dixie she wouldn't have survived. The boys immediatly went to try and find the dog while Louise and I stayed in the car, worried and prayed that everyone would be kept safe and that we would find Dixie and be able to take her home.
They searched for about an hour when all of a sudden Louise and I heard a whimper. We got out of the car and started calling for Dixie. I flashed my light back into the cave and saw two scared eyes looking back at me. I had found Dixie!! Louise and I climbed into the cave and carried her out. I yelled "We found her!! She's fine!!" The boys came running back and were so relieved. Seth kept thanking us the entire drive home. One thing we all agreed on was that we are family up here. We watch out and support each other, even if it means searching for a lost dog in the dark.
Right as we were getting ready to leave Seth called for his dog and she didn't come. He went back into the caves and started looking around. Right at that moment I heard a howl and nervously asked if that was a coyote. Bama said that it sounded more like wolves. All of a sudden we heard six or seven wolves attacking something nearby. You could hear them howling, fighting, whimpering and then nothing. Silence. We knew that if that was Dixie she wouldn't have survived. The boys immediatly went to try and find the dog while Louise and I stayed in the car, worried and prayed that everyone would be kept safe and that we would find Dixie and be able to take her home.
They searched for about an hour when all of a sudden Louise and I heard a whimper. We got out of the car and started calling for Dixie. I flashed my light back into the cave and saw two scared eyes looking back at me. I had found Dixie!! Louise and I climbed into the cave and carried her out. I yelled "We found her!! She's fine!!" The boys came running back and were so relieved. Seth kept thanking us the entire drive home. One thing we all agreed on was that we are family up here. We watch out and support each other, even if it means searching for a lost dog in the dark.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
How I spent my first day off
Today after listening to Saturdays session of conference the recreation guides let me join in with the guests for an ATV ride. It was so much fun. While on our ride it started snowing!!!! It is so cold here, beautiful but cold.
Tonight our plan is the hot tub under the stars, a movie and a game of chess. (One of the guys up here is teaching me to play chess. I surprisingly really like it. I cant decide if it is the game or the one on one time with someone I think is so cool. I think it might be a little bit of both.)
I am starting to see possible reasons that I am supposed to be up here. The majority of the people who work here are fun, laid back, and very valiant members. I cant remember the last time I watched all of a Saturday session of conference. I cant remember the last time I have spent so much time with genuinely good, caring and fun people. I cant remember the last time I have felt this quiet sense of peace.
Tonight our plan is the hot tub under the stars, a movie and a game of chess. (One of the guys up here is teaching me to play chess. I surprisingly really like it. I cant decide if it is the game or the one on one time with someone I think is so cool. I think it might be a little bit of both.)
I am starting to see possible reasons that I am supposed to be up here. The majority of the people who work here are fun, laid back, and very valiant members. I cant remember the last time I watched all of a Saturday session of conference. I cant remember the last time I have spent so much time with genuinely good, caring and fun people. I cant remember the last time I have felt this quiet sense of peace.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I might be turning into a cowgirl
Tonight after dinner some of my coworkers and I went shooting for jackrabbits. We didnt see any rabbits, but we did shoot some cans. On our way back to the resort we came face to face with a bobcat!!! They said it looked pretty small but I thought it was huge!! Kylene would have freaked out!!!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Arrival at Zion Ponderosa
I am officially a member of the staff at Zion Ponderosa Resort and let me tell you getting here was quite the experience. Friday I was planning a day of packing, getting organized and then having Saturday to spend time with my family before I headed out on this grand adventure Sunday, arriving at the resort Monday morning. Friday I received a call from Zion and they asked if I would be able to come a day early to have dinner with the staff and get to know people before they put me to work. I was so impressed that they wanted to include me even before I was working there. Then it hit. That gives me one day to pack, and drive to SLC before heading to Mt Carmel on Sunday. Thanks to such a loving and supportive family they helped move me out of my apartment and get things packed that I needed and on the road by Saturday at 2:00 pm. That would have been impossible for me to accomplish on my own.
My drive to SLC was horrible. I cried from Boise to Burley. Once I reached the Utah/Idaho border I witnessed a semi truck over turn and come skidding into my lane of oncoming traffic. After witnessing that accident my adrenaline was going and again I start crying. The "fun" continued when about thirty minutes later my engine light went on, almost simultaneously I lose power in my car. So I pull over and turn off my car and called home. I surprising didn't cry until my Mom got on the phone and once again the tears. I know. I know. More tears. I started my car and drove to Aunt Janell's and Uncle Bryce's home. With many tearful calls back and forth between my Mom, my Dad and Amber. The next morning came the next dilemma. Being Sunday there was no one open to look at my car. After talking to my Mom and Bryce I decided to go ahead and try to drive to Zion. I said a million prayers along that drive. I was so worried that my car would break down on in the middle of nowhere, no cell service and no idea what to do next. Not only did I make it to Zion safely but the moment I drove up to the resort my engine light shut off.
I honestly have no idea why I am here. All I know is that it is the right place. I am scared, lonely, and homesick but there is a peace that surrounds every moment. And that peace verifys that this is where I need to be. Having all the problems getting down here also verifys that this is the right change. There seems to be many obstacles before greatness comes. I just wish that I knew more about why I am here. Is it to meet sigificant people, become more independent and brave, increase my reliance on the Lord? The only friends I have met so far are a cockroach in my dorm and a bat that flies by my window at night.
My drive to SLC was horrible. I cried from Boise to Burley. Once I reached the Utah/Idaho border I witnessed a semi truck over turn and come skidding into my lane of oncoming traffic. After witnessing that accident my adrenaline was going and again I start crying. The "fun" continued when about thirty minutes later my engine light went on, almost simultaneously I lose power in my car. So I pull over and turn off my car and called home. I surprising didn't cry until my Mom got on the phone and once again the tears. I know. I know. More tears. I started my car and drove to Aunt Janell's and Uncle Bryce's home. With many tearful calls back and forth between my Mom, my Dad and Amber. The next morning came the next dilemma. Being Sunday there was no one open to look at my car. After talking to my Mom and Bryce I decided to go ahead and try to drive to Zion. I said a million prayers along that drive. I was so worried that my car would break down on in the middle of nowhere, no cell service and no idea what to do next. Not only did I make it to Zion safely but the moment I drove up to the resort my engine light shut off.
I honestly have no idea why I am here. All I know is that it is the right place. I am scared, lonely, and homesick but there is a peace that surrounds every moment. And that peace verifys that this is where I need to be. Having all the problems getting down here also verifys that this is the right change. There seems to be many obstacles before greatness comes. I just wish that I knew more about why I am here. Is it to meet sigificant people, become more independent and brave, increase my reliance on the Lord? The only friends I have met so far are a cockroach in my dorm and a bat that flies by my window at night.
Friday, September 28, 2007
What was I thinking??
So maybe cutting my hair short was not the smartest decision. Its cute dont get me wrong but the timing was horrible. Timing was not something I thought through. Cutting my hair has been one too many changes. Everytime I look in the mirror tears start welling up and I think "who is that person" and what was I thinking? Those two questions are not things I need to be focusing on the day before I move to another state to live in a national park!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
St Lukes Womens Fitness Celebration Race 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Bright Eyes and Mute Math
Kylee and I went to two concerts this week Bright Eyes and Mute Math.
We Loved the Bright Eyes concert and Mute Math's opening Indie-pop band Eisley. Mute Math was a disappointment. We thought that they had to cover up their mediocre music with bright lights and smoke. Being in a crowd of people listening to live music is one of my favorite things to do. I love the noise, being squished up to your neighbor singing the same songs, dancing and the adrenilone that always follows a great concert.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Who knew that there was tipping etiquette?
I have always thought of myself as a great tipper. Although I passed the quiz....barely. I noticed that there are a lot more services that I should be tipping for. As someone starting a job where gratutities are accepted I hope everyone I meet knows about tipping etiqette.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Nerves have set in and I am getting anxious about moving. The sensible part of me thinks "What are you doing??? You are leaving your family, quiting a job you really like and make pretty good money at to go live alone in a canyon. What are you thinking!"
The crazy part of this whole adventure is that there is an overwhelming sense of excitement and peace surrounding me. I know that there will be moments of loneliness and times when I question my decision to move to Utah. But I am also preparded for when those times come and there is no question they will come.
I wonder if this will be a catalyst? Will it create opportunities so that I can accomplish my dreams and goals?
The crazy part of this whole adventure is that there is an overwhelming sense of excitement and peace surrounding me. I know that there will be moments of loneliness and times when I question my decision to move to Utah. But I am also preparded for when those times come and there is no question they will come.
I wonder if this will be a catalyst? Will it create opportunities so that I can accomplish my dreams and goals?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Zion is official!!!
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