As some of you know my training has hit a snag. I have discovered that I have exercise induced asthma. This isn't new for me, I have just always equated not being able to breathe with being out of shape. The other day I decided to get out of the gym and run outside. Within minutes my lungs shut down and my body responded with shutting down as well. I ran only a 1/2 a mile and was so disappointed. At that moment I knew I wouldnt be able to race outside.
I have an appointment with my doctor in two weeks and I am very hopeful that with his help this will not interfer with training any longer. I will most likely be given an inhauler that I will use before I run.
The other thing that I discovered about myself, that is also not new but is a little annoying, is how low I became at the idea of another snag in my quest for completing a triathlon. Not only did I feel low for that day but that low feeling has hung around for awhile. I did some research and I have discovered that what you eat can significantly affect your mood.
So here are the top ten foods that promote a feeling of overall happiness:
Omega 3 fatty acids found in Tuna, salmon, walnuts, canola oil....
Zinc found in wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, high protein foods....
Vitamin b-3 found in chicken/turkey, pork, dried beans, salmon/tuna, peanuts....
Vitamin E found in wheat germ, sunflower seeds, almonds, blueberries, papaya, olives....
Calcium 7.
Folic Acid found in leafy greens, beans, peanuts, some orange juice
Stevia-this is a natural sweetner from a leafy plant. You should be using this instead of sugar
Vitamin C found in citrus fruits
Iron found in peas, beans, nuts....
I have made the commitment to add these foods to my diet and continue working towards my goals. No I am not going to become a vegan but I do believe in the word of wisdom and that the more organic the food is the better it will be for you. And if paying attention to what I eat can help with my over all well being then it is worth the sacrifice of my beloved twinkies.