Jordan and I had such a great time in Boise over Christmas. We watched football, played games, shopped, ate great food and went to the movies.
We celebrated two special family moments and created a few more, including our adventure home.
Jordan and I said our goodbyes and then we started our drive back to Utah. We checked the road conditions and everything looked clear....
We were only on the road for a couple of hours when we realized that the Utah/Idaho border was closed. By the then it was getting dark, cold and really icy. Jordan and I decided to stop and get a hotel room. (I think my parents were VERY happy about that decision) We found a cheap, kind of scary but clean hotel and settled in for the night.
In the morning we bought new windshield wipers, got breakfast and then hit the road again. The roads were perfect.....until we hit the Idaho/Utah border. We passed at least twenty cars that had spun off the road or crashed. Luckily I have a husband who is a fantastic driver in the snow and got us home safely. I feel very blessed that we didn't try to keep driving and that we followed our instincts and the spirit and were able to turn a scary drive into a great story.
We literally unpacked our car and started to repack it for the big move to Rexburg. We once again will hit the road to start another adventure in a day or so. Hopefully this one will have better weather.