Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Born in a stable, cradled in a manger, He came forth from heaven to live on earth as mortal man and to establish the kingdom of God. During His earthly ministry, He taught men the higher law. His glorious gospel reshaped the thinking of the world. He blessed the sick. He caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear. He even raised the dead to life. To us He has said, 'Come, follow me.' "

Merry Christmas!!


Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of troubles when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big starting capital.
Nowadays, I'm happy and lucky , I begin take up real income.
It gets down to choose a correct companion who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real business, and shares the profit with me.

You can ask, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]