Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Training

Jordan and Brad served their missions together in Thailand and have remained close friends ever since.  It just so happened that Brad was going to dental school in Glendale when Jordan got his job in Phoenix.  We try to get together with Brad and his girlfriend Lindsey a few times a month.  We love spending time with them.

On Saturday Brad and Lindsey invited use to go to a spring training baseball game.  We watched the LA Dodgers play the Milwaukee Brewers.  We had amazing seats sitting only four rows from the field. 

I am not a huge baseball fan and find it to be a little slow at times, but spring training games are a little different.  With such a small arena fly balls would fly into the crowd all the time.  I felt like I was watching a hockey game where you have to pay attention or you are the one getting hit in the head.  No one got hurt from what we could tell and it defiantly added a new element of excitement to the game.

The Brewers won the game even though the Dodgers had a much better pitcher.           
After the baseball game we went to Brad's house, ordered pizza and watched BYU play Gonzaga with his roommates and friends.  It was so much fun!