Friday, May 04, 2012

The Avengers marathon

Jordan and I bought tickets for The Avengers marathon.  Neither one of us are big comic book fans but it sounded like it could be kind of fun and some of my coworkers were also going and talked us into getting tickets with them. 

 It was six movies
The Hulk, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor in 3D, Captain America in 3D and then the midnight release of
The Avengers in 3D

They gave us a gift bag when we got to the theater which included a lanyard showing we were part of the marathon (which was actually really nice so we didn't have to show our ticket every time). 
Two free popcorn's a piece, a comic book, candy and our 3D glasses.

I decided to work in the morning so we missed the beginning of The Hulk and once we got there we had to try to find seats in the dark which is never fun.  As I sat down I looked over and we happened to sit next to my coworker Megan and her husband!   It made the marathon even more fun to be sitting next to friends.

Between each movie was a twenty minute break.
We ALWAYS got up to walk around so that we didn't get too stir crazy. And even with free popcorn we still wanted "real food" and ended up getting sandwiches from Jimmy Johns during one break for dinner.  
With six movies in a row that's a lot of sitting and popcorn!

They also had The Avengers come in and hand out prizes between the movies and take pictures.

I was surprised at home much fun we had.  The time went by really quickly and we weren't bored during the movies that we had already seen before. 

By the time The Avengers started at midnight I was so tired.  I had been up since 4:30am!  The audience was so excited (or delirious) at that point that it made the movie so much fun!  They laughed, cheered and booed the bad guy during The Avengers movie.  It was awesome!! 

We got home and crawled into bed around 3:30am. 
So glad I took Friday off of work and Jordan can work from home!