Not very often do I get fired up about a news story but this one got me going. Miss America was found partying at bars, (she wasn't 21 yet) drinking and doing drugs. She was reprimanded after being caught on camera and instead of losing her title she was sent to rehab. I think that as the representative of young women that is not the message I want girls to have. I know, I know, it is just a beauty pageant but while I was growing up I dreamed of being Miss America. I believe she should have lost her title. Miss America to me is about standards and respect. Obviously those things do not matter much in the world anymore. It makes me sad and a little scared to think about the world my future daughters, nieces and friends will grow up in. I hope that they will be true to who they are and have grace and dignity in their lives.
It's always nice to know that Miss America does crack. Representin'
I agree with you Brook, it is only because she got caught on camera that anything was done. I still think it is a silly contest, but if we are going to have it...then they should follow the standards set and not risk having young impressionable girls think that you can do it and get away with it.
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