Several weeks ago I bought a DVD online in hopes of inspiration and motivation for my race in June. It was a documentary about this incredible 135 mile adventure race in Death Valley that forty crazy runners attempt to complete every year. I had decided that this would be a great weekend to stay at home, watch this documentary and get some things done around my apartment. I started watching the DVD and it was actually pretty interesting despite the obvious low budget for making this film.
I curled up on the couch and watched the determination and power of the human spirit as these runners ran this insane race. Towards the end of the film I sat up to get some water. (I think it was subconscious after watching people run in 120 degree heat) As I sat up I heard a snap in my neck. Instantly there is pain. But I am watching this film about how you can make it through anything, especially pain, so I think no big deal. I got my water, a heat pad and lay back down to watch the rest of the film. Bad idea. Laying down only puts pressure on my neck and the pain increases. Still, no big deal. I decide to take a bath in hope that the hot water will loosen the muscles in my neck and take away the increasing pain. Well this doesn’t work so I take some Advil and attempt to sleep and wake up pain free. Problem solved.
The Advil works and I fall asleep, but as soon as the medicine wears off I am instantly awake and literally crying in pain. I can’t turn my neck, sitting up hurts so much that it makes me nauseous and my left arm is completely numb. Not good.
These are the moments when I hate living alone and so I start to cry. I am crying out of frustration and the idea that I am ALONE and in pain and no one knows but me. (Well this idea doesn’t make any sense since I know that I am never truly alone and I have a ton of family near by if I could just make it to a phone to call someone. But my phone is in the other room so out of the question. And sometimes there are moments when you just want to cry, even if it doesn’t make a lot of sense.) I decide that I am already crying and in a lot of pain so I force myself to crawl across the room, just like you would see in a sitcom and take some more Advil. This does help and once again I fall asleep. This time on the floor.
I wake up the next morning and instantly call my chiropractor (who is the best in the world). I am always able to get in and this was no exception. I walked in and he instantly knew there was something very wrong. The prognosis. I had two slipped disks in my neck along with a rotated disk that was pinching on a nerve making my arm numb. He worked on my neck for a long time but within minutes I am able to move my neck again and the numbness goes away. I am still very sore and have to go in once a week for awhile until things get back where they need to be. But I am very grateful to live in an area where I have a good doctor available at any moment to help me when I am in pain. And if nothing else I learned that I should not be so easily influenced by documentaries and if I ever hear anything snap again I am not an adventure racer so call someone.
There is nothing worse than pain in the night. Sorry you had to go through that. You are loved and never alone.
OH! I have been in your position before. Sooo sick and living alone. It is utterly disparing! The are things about being single that just really stink (bordering on downright cruel) and that is one of them.
Keep your cell in arms reach at all times and if you are crying CALL ME! I will come save you and if I can't--I will stay on the phone and cry with you so you won't be alone.
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