We made it a month!! Jordan wanted to celebrate our one month anniversary so he suggested that we get dressed up and go to a really nice dinner or fast food and a haunted house. I choose the haunted house!
We went to the 'Scream Asylum' where my coworker Steven works. Steven said that Jordan and I were the first ones to go through that night and said that we were very entertaining. I think he meant that I was entertaining. I screamed at all the right moments and jumped at everything. It was so much fun, very scary but fun.
Afterward we went to the bookstore and I read magazines and got ideas to sell Christmas candy this season. (I am still working on a blog but it should be up soon.) I hope that it does ok and I am able to get a small candy business running for the future.
Jordan and I love our new ward! I was just called as the relief society visiting teaching coordinator and we were invited to attend a special marriage course they offer during Sunday school. This Friday is trunk or treat!
I love this time of year and being able to share it with my husband makes it so much better.
Good choice with the haunted house! Congrats on the month anniversary!
so happy for you guys!
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