This weekend Jordan and I invited some friends over for game night. We played
UNO and a card game called
Egyptian Rat Screw. Afterwards we all went for
ice cream at the local dairy and then to our friend Rob's house to watch the movie Taken.
On Saturday morning I met Jordan on campus to go to the flea market that
Jordan's business team put on for his class. It turned out great and looked like it was really successful.
We then drove to Idaho Falls and spent the afternoon reading books and magazines at Barnes and Noble, ate lunch at
McDonald's (especially for Jordan) and then went to the store to get groceries.
We finished out the day by going to the laundry mat, making dinner and watching a movie.

Jordan was so excited about going to
Walmart on a Saturday.

Adjusting to life in a small college town has been a challenge for me. I have to come to realize that life is pretty basic no matter where we live. We all go to work, spend time with the ones we love and try the best we can. You might as well enjoy it.
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