Sunday, May 02, 2010

Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment

A few weeks ago I went to our local gym to inquire about joining and discovered rather quickly that it would simply cost too much.  Not being able to find work the last few months Jordan and I have had to really watch our spending and joining the gym would have become an unnecessary expense that we simply just couldn't afford.  So I was thrilled when I opened my birthday present from Jordan and found a gym membership.  He had secretly gone in and talked to them.  He got all of the new member fees waived and we now only pay $10.00 a month!!  For the past three weeks I have faithfully gone to the gym five or six days a week.  Although I haven't seen a dramatic change in the scale, I have seen a change in how I feel.

I still can't run a mile, can only lift five pounds and tire out after forty minutes but going to the gym every day has given me a sense of accomplishment and confidence that has been missing for awhile.           


Jacquelyn said...

Hey Brooke it's your cousin, who you may not have known reads your blog... I totally feel the same way as you with the gym. Although I may not see instant results, I FEEL so much better. It makes it worth it :) And the exercise science major inside of me wants to encourage you to keep it up! Exercise keeps the body healthy and helps prevent so many chronic diseases! Ha ha k I'll step off the soap box. Love reading your updates!