Thursday, June 17, 2010

Baseball in Boise

I decided to come to Boise for the week to celebrate Kylee, Shane and my Mom's birthdays.  Sunday is Father's day and then my Dad turns 60 on Monday.  That is a lot of celebrating! 
Jordan wasn't able to make it down this trip.  He is busy with school, interviews and had a canyoneering trip planned with school.  I love being able to visit my family and he loves that I am not alone so it works out perfectly for us.    

When I got to Boise I found out that Shane had a baseball game so we went to support his team the Tiki's.   Amber and I took Ella and Kresimir with us.  They loved cheering for Shane (Kres's favorite saying "Shane!! Shake what your Mama gave ya!") and when Shane let them run around the bases after the game they were giddy with excitement.  They were having so much fun they wouldn't hold still to take a decent picture.         

After the game Amber and I made fun 'corn on the cob' cupcakes for my Mom to take into work to celebrate her birthday.