Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mystery mansion dinner theater

Jordan and I went to a mystery mansion dinner theater. 

We both had our own ideas of what to expect.  I thought it would be sitting down for dinner while watching a play.  Jordan thought it would be interactive where we would be characters in the show.  It turned out we were both right.   

The show Murder at the Vampire's Castle was an interactive mystery show where they would randomly pull people from the audience to help out with the show.  We were all given characters and clues that would  help us to sleuth out the murderer.

Sounds fun right?

I hate being the center of attention!  So the idea of having the actors randomly pull people on stage to dance, sing and make sound affects was slightly horrifying for me. 

Luckily Jordan and I sat in the corner and were spared from being pulled on stage. We did talk to the actors in between dinner courses to get clues and joke around. 

The play was about a vampire who was getting married.  The brides brother was killed and it was our job to figure out who killed him, how he died and why.

At the end of the show we all filled out our forms on who we thought the murderer was.  

Out of the 150 people who were at the show who was the only person to guess correctly?  Yep, me!!
So much for hiding in the corner.

And what did I win?  A pie. 


Janell said...

Good for you for figuring out the mystery!