Friday, April 06, 2012


I have an old bookcase that was passed down to me, it had a few nicks and scratches but was over all in pretty good condition.  

I decided to sand it down and re stain it. 

After sanding it down I came inside to wash my hands.  I had no idea that I was COVERED in dust!

Here it is after! 
The lighting in the room makes the stain look a little weird but I stained it in mahogany and then painted the back panel in a teal/grey color.  This is the same color paint that I want to use when I refurbish a dresser to tie the colors together. 

Up close look of the color of wood.
While I was working on the bookcase, Jordan finished his BYU bags game for Brad and Lindsey. 
They loved it and we played a game when we gave it to them.  Bags is such a fun game. 

Now on to the Boise State bags game for us.