Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mount Everest

One of the things I have learned about my living situation is that it allows me the time to dream and dream big. I have been looking through my life goals and one of the things I want to do before I leave this earth is see the base camp at Mt Everest.

I have always been fascinated with those who climb the mountain. I have been reading and watching a documentary on Everest and once again that desire is burning strong. I started to look into how to make my dream a reality. I found a tour that will take me through Kathmandu and into base camp. It is a twenty day trip (it takes that long for your body to acclimatize to the altitude) and although the tour isn't outrageously expensive the flight to Nepal is. It may take me a year or two to get everything in order but I have no doubt that this is possible.

Now all I have to do is convince Clay to come with me. :)


Amber Irvine said...

Don't people die doing things like this?!?! CRAP!

I guess dream big and I will worry when you buy your plan ticket to Nepal! :) I will go that far with you!

BrookandDBeckham said...

I am not climbing the mountain!! Just climbing to base camp.