Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The reasons why my blog is so boring

1. I dont have my own computer. It would be so much easier to be able to come home each night and update my blog. So right now I am left with updating it when I can.

2. I dont have a digital camera. I love looking at the photos everyone posts. I think I am going to look into getting one, maybe for Christmas.

3. My life is really not that exciting. Being 28 and single is not as exciting as many of my married friends think. It is a lot less Sex and the City and a lot more like Ugly Betty. (Who goes to work at a job she likes, comes home to a family who she adores and has that weird guy who is in love with her)


KyleeandMichael said...

dude, way to be Ugly Betty!!

Amber Irvine said...

That Ugly Betty comment made me laugh out loud! Isn't that the truth? Married people always think singles are living Sex in the City. Do you think anyone actual does live that life or are we all secretly Ugly Bettys?

Libug said...

I hate to admit it, but you do kind of sound like Ugle Betty...