Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mesa Temple Easter Pageant

Jordan and I had a date night with Brad and Lindsey last night.
First we went and played laser tag at Stratum Laser tag arena.  It is apparently the world's largest laser tag center.  It was 18,000 square feet with 90 towers, bridges and ramps to explore.  Your main goal is to find the other four team's home base, shoot their base until it "explodes" and then you get extra points for shooting the other players vests along the way.  It was so much fun.  We ended up played two rounds.  The first round I just wandered around lost and got shot at, a lot.  The second round we went as a team and managed to get two of the team home bases and ended up with some of the highest scores. 

After laser tag we went to Texas roundhouse for dinner and then to the Mesa temple Easter pageant where Lindsey was performing as a sign language translator. It happened to be the night that they performed the pageant in Spanish so we wore ear pieces that translated everything to English.  It was so interesting to watch the performance in three languages!  

Because we came with Lindsey we were given front row seats and sat in the sign language section.  The pageant was incredible. You could strongly feel the spirit as you watched the story of Christ's birth, life, death and Resurrection, all while sitting on the temple lawn.  It was breathtaking.

I can't wait to go again this next week when my Mom comes to visit us. 
It will nice to see the pageant again, this time in English.   

Lindsey interpreting

 Christ as a young child with Mary and Joseph

Christ teaching the people

The Last Supper

The Crucifixion

He is Risen!