Sunday, March 11, 2012

Art Festival

This weekend Jordan and I went to the local arts festival. 
We ended up seeing Brad, Lindsey, Lindsey's sister Chantel and Brad's parents and sister Amber there!

We saw some amazing art work.  I found the kissing artist the most interesting.  She paints portraits of famous people by kissing the canvas.  It was so weird but she was really talented.  

I bought a reclaimed wood cutting board, which I love and I am excited to try it out.  It is all natural wood. No dyes were used which I liked. 

(We forgot our camera so the pictures are off our iPhone.)

It was a fun festival.  They had a ton of booths, bands playing and some of the best food carts in the State.   I made me think about entering my Dad's photography for next year.   I think his photography would do really well there.