Thursday, March 15, 2012

Phoenix Suns vs Utah Jazz

For Valentine's Day Lindsey surprised Brad with tickets to the Phoenix Suns vs Utah Jazz game. 
She invited Jordan and I to come with them, so we all bought tickets together.  
Our seats were center court but as far to the top as you could go! 

 The day before the game Brad's parents surprised them with second row seats.  They felt so bad when they found out that Lindsey had already bought tickets with us.  It ended up working out perfectly. They were able to give their tickets to some friends from school and then Lindsey would switch her pass every period so that the guys all got a chance to watch the game from the second row.

My favorite #13 Steve Nash 
 Jordan and I had such a fun time. 
I cheered for the Suns while Jordan cheered for the Jazz.
 Lindsey and Brad
 Lindsey and Brook. 
I am so lucky to have found such an amazing friend!
After the game we were able to meet some of the Jazz players and Brad got his hat signed. 
It was such a fun night.