Monday, October 01, 2007

Arrival at Zion Ponderosa

I am officially a member of the staff at Zion Ponderosa Resort and let me tell you getting here was quite the experience. Friday I was planning a day of packing, getting organized and then having Saturday to spend time with my family before I headed out on this grand adventure Sunday, arriving at the resort Monday morning. Friday I received a call from Zion and they asked if I would be able to come a day early to have dinner with the staff and get to know people before they put me to work. I was so impressed that they wanted to include me even before I was working there. Then it hit. That gives me one day to pack, and drive to SLC before heading to Mt Carmel on Sunday. Thanks to such a loving and supportive family they helped move me out of my apartment and get things packed that I needed and on the road by Saturday at 2:00 pm. That would have been impossible for me to accomplish on my own.

My drive to SLC was horrible. I cried from Boise to Burley. Once I reached the Utah/Idaho border I witnessed a semi truck over turn and come skidding into my lane of oncoming traffic. After witnessing that accident my adrenaline was going and again I start crying. The "fun" continued when about thirty minutes later my engine light went on, almost simultaneously I lose power in my car. So I pull over and turn off my car and called home. I surprising didn't cry until my Mom got on the phone and once again the tears. I know. I know. More tears. I started my car and drove to Aunt Janell's and Uncle Bryce's home. With many tearful calls back and forth between my Mom, my Dad and Amber. The next morning came the next dilemma. Being Sunday there was no one open to look at my car. After talking to my Mom and Bryce I decided to go ahead and try to drive to Zion. I said a million prayers along that drive. I was so worried that my car would break down on in the middle of nowhere, no cell service and no idea what to do next. Not only did I make it to Zion safely but the moment I drove up to the resort my engine light shut off.

I honestly have no idea why I am here. All I know is that it is the right place. I am scared, lonely, and homesick but there is a peace that surrounds every moment. And that peace verifys that this is where I need to be. Having all the problems getting down here also verifys that this is the right change. There seems to be many obstacles before greatness comes. I just wish that I knew more about why I am here. Is it to meet sigificant people, become more independent and brave, increase my reliance on the Lord? The only friends I have met so far are a cockroach in my dorm and a bat that flies by my window at night.


Amber Irvine said...

You are already SO brave just to be there! I wish I could tell you what lessons or experiences you were going to have to help ease the transition but I don't have the answers for you either. Keep prayful because the Lord knows.

I keep thinking of that quote from Hope Floats where they talk about how beginnings are often scary, endings are often sad but it is the middle that counts. You have to give it time to let hope float up.

I know it is lonely and scary and we miss you like crazy already!!!! but know that you have a lot of prayers coming your way and I am ultimately very proud of you and excited for you. Good for you for trying something new! That is what life is all about even if you hate it. It is the journey that is important. You will never wonder "What if"

Love you!!!

kc and k said...

Wow, what a crazy trip to get there! Very interesting about your engine light?
I'm so glad you have a sense of peace in all of this. And, you've made two friends real quick!

Last night on my walk as I was inhaling toxic car fumes from the freeway and almost getting hit by a big truck that passed by, I was thinking I wished I was in a place like Zions were I could breath fresh air and worry about getting eaten by a cougar rather than being hit by a stupid truck!

We'll have to teach Kres what a cockroach says?
We love you!!!

christy said...

good luck brooke! don't be afraid to put yourself out there and make friends. have fun and be safe.